三重県四日市市、近鉄四日市駅東側に隣接する商店街にあります音楽ソフトの買取・販売をしています、ROOK RECORDS (二代目) aka 珍庫唱片 (ex-NGOO USELESS SOUND PIT)でございます。

ROOK RECORDSは1987年創業、四日市の商店街の中で3回移転してまして、いまの場所が三代目。珍庫唱片 aka NGOO Useless Sound Pitはレーベル発足が1996年、店舗一代目が2001年(四日市郵便局近くの雑居ビル)、店舗2代目が2011年(三和商店街の中にあった居酒屋優)、看板に寄せていくスタイルでした。


)))))))))))) 買取してます!



安田 幸宏 (ルークレコーズ/珍庫唱片)

This is ROOK RECORDS (2nd generation) aka Chinco Shoven (ex-NGOO USELESS SOUND PIT). We buys and sells Musical-Soft located in a shopping district adjacent to the east side of Kintetsu Yokkaichi Station in Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture.

ROOK RECORDS was founded in 1987 and has been relocated three times in the Yokkaichi shopping district. Chinko Shoven aka NGOO Useless Sound Pit was started as record label in 1996. the first store in 2001, and the second store in 2011 (as Izakaya Masaru in the Sanwa shopping district) . It was a style to approach the signboard.

The previous store closed in June 2023, and in the summer of 2023, it was significantly reduced and moved to the corner of the 1st floor of Vortex (11-4, Suwacho).

so, we buy Vinyls, CDs, Cassettes and any more musical stuff.

CDs that are no longer needed due to subscription, Vinyls sleeping in the closet, MAGAZINEs and BOOKs that you read when you were young, VHSs and DVDs of movies that you spent with all day all night. Please consult us when you want to let go of the crazy collection.

We believe that there is a “shop” like ours in order to create the next generation of MAD SCIENTISTS in our regional cities.